

When you don't have to go back to school but miss the feeling that September always brings every year. I swear we have been trained from the beginning that September is truly the time for a fresh new start. I miss the times when I had a brand new pencil case, my eraser had still clean edges, the fresh new binder smell, everything clean and not lost.


I have to say my favourite part was the back to school clothes shopping. Our mom would always make us check what we had in our closet first, find what has seen better days and what we had grown out of ( that excuse didn't last very long for us). The strategy was always first buying the foundation pieces that we would wear the most with the budget given. This was typically, new pants, a sweater, a jacket, and obviously the MEC backpack. We had to have a new one every year even though the old one looked brand new. (Spoiled, I know) We learned from a young age that buying quality would last us seasons and it truly did for us since I swear my last growth spurt was probably in grade 7.


Now as an adult, I have grown out of the fast fashion era of my life. You know the times where you would go to Joe Fresh while you grocery shop and grab a bunch of tees that realistically look good the day you put it on and then it went down hill from there.


I would rather quality over quantity. We talk about this a lot, we aren't reinventing the wheel here. But what I think is different is that women are starting to look at themselves as worthy of quality. If we continue to buy disposable fashion, what does that say for how we treat ourselves. Don't get me wrong, I am not against the easy, trendy pick up item for $19.99 but I wouldn't base my foundation on that. I also understand that not everyone has the same budget but, when you look at it from a cost per wear perspective and you buy a pair of black denim for $260, and let's say you wear them twice a week because they are that perfect and don't fade, by the end of this year we are looking at $7 a week. I'm not good at math so if I'm wrong, just smile and nod and just take the gist of this statement that buying quality pays off in the end.


This outfit that Angie has on below is so simple but solid. The perfect cable knit cream sweater can be paired sooooo many ways. Casually with denim, preppy with a collared shirt, pretty with a glamorous necklace, the ideas are just flowing. When it is a staple you can wear it with most of your wardrobe and the feeling of I have nothing to wear will slowly diminish. This black skirt is awesome for the reason that everyone already has a black pencil skirt or needs to replace it. This style lays flat and then pleats which is much more flattering that the pleating starting at the waist. This look would be totally different if it were paired with high boots, but since we have amazing weather, bare legs it is! These are perfect examples of buy now, wear now and later kind of pieces that you start a new season with!