
Spring is Now

So, I came up with this crazy theory this morning. What if we pretend like it was Spring time and the weather was warm, snow melted into small little puddles everywhere forcing us to frolic on our toes while walking to work? What if we ALL did this, Mother Nature would have to submit to our bending of the weather's reality, right? This has to be a collective kind of event, somewhat like a flash mob, but on a daily basis, sending messages to bring spring sooner rather than later.


Are you in or what?

Really this is our only chance to make spring come any faster, so why wait for it to come, when you can just create it yourself?
This is how we are going to do it together. 


Post everyday on social media, (this IS how we connect these days) about one thing you did that day to make it spring and use the hashtag #springisnow and #signofspring and tag @shopvincent so we can track all the entries to Mother Nature herself.


  • Post a bright coloured outfit.
  • Go to hot yoga and sweat in a hot room.
  • Spring clean an area in your home.
  • Start making fresh salads for your lunch.
  • A picture of snow melting on a tree.


These are some quick ideas for you but we would love to hear about your ideas, or better yet, post them and make sure to use the hashtag #springisnow and tag @shopvincent. People from hot countries and warm climate, we could use your help too. Think creatively, what is your #signofspring? The most creative entries will be re-grammed and put into a draw for a grand prize (this will be announced later).


I encourage everyone to participate, businesses, people of the world. Let's do it, let's bring spring NOW!


Ultimately, the reward is looking at what is around us in a different way. We don't have to wait until it is warm out to get the jump in our step. We can do it NOW!