
Let's Talk


I hear it time and time again. Every day, every week there is this unwritten memo that women received about the rule book of fashion. Funny thing is, the rule is there are NO rules.


It is in fact the one thing in this world that you do not have to follow rules written by someone else for you. Style is only achieved by knowing who you are and putting your best self forward. It is the only place where you can visually create self expression. When I come to think of it, no wonder I have such a passion for it. I never worked well in an environment that made demands on my 'style', whether that be character or clothing. So why do we do it to ourselves?


So, if you have ever found yourself saying "oh, I'm a pear shape I can't wear that!" or " That is not in my colour family!" I am here to say, whether you consider yourself a pear, an apple or even a banana, whatever fruit you have considered yourself, you are a woman, not something you consume.


Instead of putting yourself in a category that society tells you you are. Why not look at yourself in the mirror at face value with a kind heart. Women are soooo hard on themselves. We look in the mirror and look straight at the spots that we dislike. Whether it be the inside of your thighs, your "muffin top", your bigger calves, your big breasts or reverse, your flat chest.


Why don't we instead look at what we love about ourselves, your breasts that feed your children (or have), your curvy bum that gives you a shape, your hips that beard ( or changing to) your children, your arms that lift you out of bed. My list could go on. And it will.


The idea is to enhance what you already have. To take the things you love about yourself and make them the focus. You will be more confident, less critical and be the best you! Style is timeless. It is only timeless of you are being yourself. So instead of looking at someone else's body and trying it on you, look at your own body and find what looks and feels amazing on YOU. Don't compare yourself to others. It's a trap. I was in yoga yesterday and the teacher said close your eyes, don't look at your neighbour and compare yourself to them, they have a different body than you, they have a different story.


We hear it all the time and this is what has brought me to start an extension of what we do outside of the store. Our goal is to help women reach their full potential. That is what we are here to do.


Conversations inside the change room will be a way for us to reach not only our customers but also women who needs to hear this.


You are not alone. Trust the process. Focus on the good. Be kind to yourself and others. Have fun while you are at it!


We will be continuing to write about conversations that we have with our customers and how we helped enhance their style with examples and solutions. If you are someone who feels like you have no idea how to dress yourself, if you are someone who is hard on yourself, or know someone needs a guide in their style. Let's meet here on the blog and talk about it or you can come in the shop and we can help you!


It is never all or nothing. There is a place in between where you find yourself, you just have to stay curious, be open minded and realize it's not just fabric draped over your body. It really is the time you take for yourself. It really does reflect your self worth. It really is supposed to be fun.


Let's get you there.


One conversation at a time.