February is Heart Month

February is Heart Month

 This picture was taken before we knew he was living with Heart Failure.


Last year after all the dust settled post wedding and honeymoon our father expressed that he wasn't feeling well and had shortness of breath. Naturally, first thought would be that maybe he just needs to lose a bit of weight and he will feel better. But that wasn't the case. After a few unruly episodes he was finally admitted into the hospital. It was his heart. It was functioning at 12% and enlarged. Hearing these words about the man who keeps us all on our toes was not easy to say the least. Thankfully, in a timely manner he was taken in by The Heart Institute right here in our own backyard. Now after 6 months of being under their care, a change in his lifestyle and hard work, his heart is now stronger and in no need of surgery. We are truly blessed to come to this result.


Heart Failure is something that we will have to live with for the rest of our lives, but The Heart Institute has made it manageable by providing the support not only to patients but also their families. The Institute has been nothing short of amazing. You always hear about how we are so lucky to have the Heart Institute right here in Ottawa and that everyone is sent from near or far to be treated. It is not until it hits close to home that you realize they are right. And not only that, once you start talking about it, almost everyone has been effected by Heart Disease and touched by the amazing care at The Heart Institute.


It is safe to say that this campaign is close to our hearts (pun intended). We will be a part of The Paper Hearts Campaign which 100% of the money raised goes directly to the University of Ottawa Heart Institute Foundation. We will be selling these paper hearts here at the shop for any denomination. If this foundation speaks to you, you can also donate directly here and #givewithheart or come in to the shop and show your support!


A little more info about Heart Failure. Just reading about the symptoms can save your life or someone you love. I wished I knew this before I had to know!