Words on our Opening Day!

Words on our Opening Day!

The store is open today! It has been such a whirlwind that we feel like we have just been going through the motions. I didn't really know how to announce the store open, to be honest it is pretty scary. Not like Halloween scary but the kind of fear that makes you get shortness of breathe and want to do cartwheels all at the same time. Until we received this message from a friend of mine did things get put into perspective. We met at school and I have always admired her. Jenna actually painted the shop. She is smart and good with her hands. Who knew?! Anyways, this was her message to us and it just made everything make sense and summed up all the love we have received from family and friends.

Today, on your opening day, I do not wish you luck, but instead I wish you love. It was not luck that your sister and you would combine your heads and your hearts to work towards a common goal; it was love. It was not luck that your family would play their part with handy work; it was through love. It is not by luck that you will succeed; it is by love.

Today marks the day, not only that you can open a retail store, but that you have the capacity and drive to accomplish anything and everything that you want to.

You have successfully turned your dream into a reality and I couldn't be happier for you. I wish you love and nothing less for you and Angie today.

Go get em, Tiger!
It feels so good to be writing this blog post from the shop! We are actually surrounded by the things that inspire us, the love that has been sent to us (seriously, we look like a flower shop!) and just being in a space that we created!

So here is to where we started, where we came from and where we are going to be!